Fetal Medicine

Fetalna medicine

Fetal Medicine specialists are focused on the early detection of anomalies and screening for different conditions. This enables early disease prevention and treatment.

When we detect various abnormalities of the fetus, we can then determine what other structural and genetic anomalies it can be linked to. We can reject or confirm abnormalities and consequently, create a plan of action and give a prognosis of the outcome of the pregnancy.

Obstetricians, gynecologists and Fetal Medicine specialists work in close collaboration with specialists in Fetal Surgery, Genetics, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Urology and Nephrology, Neonatology, Plastic Surgery and others to be able to provide their patients with the highest quality in consultation and treatment.

The whole process of comprehensive pregnancy follow-ups usually begins between the 11th -14th week of pregnancy (WOP), but maybe earlier, and ends with the delivery.

The main examinations are carried out in the 11th -14th WOP, 20th -22nd  WOP, and 36th  WOP. At weeks 11-14 the exact term of pregnancy and the estimated date of delivery is determined, the fetus is measured, early fetal morphology is performed, and several screening tests are made, including Down’s Syndrome Screening.

From weeks 20-22, all organs and systems of the fetus are examined with great care to determine its proper development and growth.

At 36 WOP, it is important to determine the presenting part, the position of the placenta, the growth and the blood supply of the fetus and the amniotic fluid, which are markers of its health condition in the womb.

During these examinations, the following are also carried out:

  • Screening for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities and structural (anatomical) defects – reading outcomes, explaining alternatives, diagnosing, follow-ups, treatment, advice on current and future pregnancies, giving detailed information
  • Screening for pregnancy complications – premature birth, preeclampsia, diabetes during pregnancy, early disease prevention, follow-up treatment and counselling
  • Making consultations with a multidisciplinary team – neonatologist, child cardiologist, child nephrologist, child neurologist, child surgeon, geneticist, psychologist and others.
  • Performing diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures – chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, embryo reduction, foeticide

Fetal Medicine training takes place in several places around the world.

The largest center is located in London, the Fetal Medicine Research Institute, under the guidance of the doyen of this specialty in the world, Professor Nicolaides. Professor Nicolaides has dedicated his life to this science; he is the leading scientist who conducts numerous studies annually with his graduates. To learn more about studies, training, and find certified professionals at https://fetalmedicine.org/.

I, Dr. Boris Stoilov, have undergone the full Fetal Medicine training and I am a graduate specialist, namely under the guidance of Professor Nicolaides and his team of consultants.


Center for Fetal Medicine

Get informed about the world of Fetal Medicine with Dr. Boris Stoilov.

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