Preeclampsia is one of the most common complications of pregnancy, affecting 5-10% of all pregnant women. It represents increased blood pressure above, 140/90 mmHg, and protein in the urine after mid-pregnancy (after 20 weeks of gestation). Preeclampsia is the leading cause of hospital admissions for pregnant women and the number 1 cause of medically induced preterm delivery. In addition, I want to say that this condition is among the leading for maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. As it turns out, this symptom is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy.
In the last decades there have been various studies related to the causes of its development, its treatment and prevention. For now, the main treatment is the delivery of the baby and the placenta, which is why it is also the leading reason for an earlier birth. In its turn, the earlier birth of an immature fetus can lead to a number of complications for the newborn – difficulty breathing or the inability to breathe independently, infections of various systems, problems in the digestive system, cerebral palsy, and even death.
The objective of some researchers in the last ten years has been the earlier detection of preeclampsia, even prediction of the women who will develop it, and preventing it. Professor Nicolaides and his team created a screening test to identify at-risk patients. This screening detects up to 90% of women who will develop the unwanted complication. More importantly, the famous professor also created a method to prevent this condition in up to 89% of the women who will develop it.
I am proud of the fact that I also participated in these large-scale studies that made a significant breakthrough in prenatal care and maternal health. Since this is a symptom with a particularly large effect on pregnancy, it affects both the pregnant woman and the fetus, the main mission of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center is the prevention of as many complications as possible. Our equipment is state-of-the-art and our specialists are trained and committed to the latest trends in medicine based on serious scientific studies.
To all our patients we offer screening and prevention of Preeclampsia. This test is performed in 11-14 weeks of gestation, along with screening for Down syndrome and early fetal morphology. It includes a detailed collection of data for the medical record, taking and analyzing a blood sample (within the day), measuring blood pressure several times and detailed ultrasound examination. Our patients receive their results within 2 hours of taking the blood sample, which few centers in the country can do!
Author: Dr. Boris Stoilov